Hannah L.: Thanksgiving Break and Hilarious Stories

 I thought about it for a while, then decided I would tell you about     

                My Thanksgiving Break!!!
The highlights of my Thanksgiving were: I got to make TWO gingerbread houses, one with my mom’s side cousins, in Liberty:
   And one with my dad’s side cousins, in Chillicothe:Chillicothe.JPG
  Also, I got to have TWO Thanksgiving meals, again, one with my mom’s side, and one with my dad’s. Those were the awesome things this Thanksgiving, but HERE are two

                HILARIOUS Stories!!!
1. It was a normal Saturday in Chillicothe, and we were going swimming at the Y. (Yes, I know that sounds weird-swimming in winter, but every Thanksgiving we go swimming in my Uncle Greg’s indoor pool, and this year we couldn’t because he and my Aunt Jennifer are getting their kitchen and the pool area redone.) So, anyway, we went to the Y and started swimming, and and SUDDENLY I heard someone yell, “EEEEWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!” Naturally, I scrambled out of the pool, and I saw this reddish-orangish stringy thing floating around, and it was my brothers PUKE!!!

So, the lifeguard made everyone get out, and ran around in the pool, trying to get it out with a cup. Long story short, DI-SGUS-TING!

2. It was a normal Sunday, and it was time to head home from Chillicothe. I was going to go to the bathroom, and I realized there was no toilet paper! So, I asked my cousin Isabella if she knew where it was, and we searched and searched, but we could not find it. So, I asked my Aunt Jennifer, and she found us a roll of toilet paper. For some reason, Isabella thought it was a good idea to put the toilet paper on the counter and whack it at me so I could catch it, but it bounced off the open toilet lid and landed… IN THE TOILET!!!! So, long story short, a roll of SOGGY toilet paper down the garbage can!

                   The End!!!  


  1. Hannah,
    Your Chillicothe stories were hilarious! I especially liked the one about the puke in the pool! I've been swimming at the Y pool, because Chillicothe is my home town and my family visits Chillicothe during the holidays too.

  2. You did a great job! Looks like you had a beat thanksgiving break!

  3. I liked how u all weared the same thing

  4. That is both really funny but really gross at the same time!


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