Brooke: News Update

       Brooke’s News!!!

Happy spring everyone! I hope everyone is having a great time! Happy birthday to… Jacob Kayliana and me- Brooke!! I hope you guys have a great birthday!!

Great job to the cast of Pirates the Musical great job and shout out to Julia for getting the lead and doing her solo!! And “break a leg!” to those in Pirates 2 the Hidden Treasure! good job!
Penguin, Pirate, Tux, Animal,

Here’s a poem I hope you enjoy called The Swing by: Robert Louis Stevenson…
Swing Fly High | by
“How do you like to go up in a swing up in the air so blue? Oh I do think it is the pleasantest thing ever a child could do. Up in the air and over the wall till I can see so wide. Rivers and trees and cattle and all over the country side. Till I look down from the garden green down on the roof so brown. Up in the air I go flying again. Up in the air and down.”

Ok so that's one of my favorite poem’s!!

Have a great week!! Bye!   


  1. Those pictures are beautiful and love the poem

  2. Brooke that was so cool! I love how you gave credit out to everyone in the pirate play! Good job!!!

  3. Great job Brooke! The play was so great! I did this one before too,

  4. This is a really good poem. Where did you find this poem?

    1. In 2nd grade we red this poem. So I looked up the swing by Robert Louis Stevenson just on Google

  5. I know everyone did so good in the play, I can't wait for pirates 2 and Julia did so good and so did the king of the high seas

  6. I think the swing by Robert Louis is one of my favorite poems!

  7. I can't what for spring break it is going to be a blast the warm weather is on its way

  8. I absolutely loved your post! I 'm planning on doing something sort of like yours, and yours was good inspiration. Keep surprising people!


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