Evan M: Animals Around the World

Stuff about random animals around the world.
            First, I will clear some things out of the way: I LOVE animals. I may not show it a lot but I do. I also especially love animals that cannot be domesticated or usually aren't. (With the small exception of orcas and dolphins which are the same thing.) I also favor sea life over other kinds of animals, so that's what I will mainly write about since I  probably know more about sea life than all of the rest put together.
            I also usually like animals that stick out from the rest of their kind, such as orcas, wood ducks or probascus monkeys. I will divide animals into paragraphs, such as mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, and dinosaurs. There will only be one animal in each division. Okay, now that that is all out of the way let's get started!
            Mammals: As I said I love sea life and I will further prove that fact by starting off with whales, dolphins and porpoises; or if you want to get fancy ceataceans, prounounced set-e-seens. Orcas are actually classified as dolphins and are the biggest dolphin. Their name comes from Orcus the Roman god of the under world. The nickname "the killer whale" is a huge misconception. They are as playful and friendly as any other dolphin just bigger. There has only been one recorded human death by an orca and that is because the human was whipping it.
Mammals usually don't live in the water. Proboscus monkeys and tapirs are examples.
There you go: one animal division done.
            Reptiles: I have always liked the basilisk lizard. The main reason I like it is because it can run on water. The way it runs on water is it has air pockets on the bottom of its feet. Combined with its small and light body it can run 7 yards on the water at 11 miles per hour (which is alot for somthing only 10 inches tall). It also looks cool with its blue crest and lime green body. That concludes the reptile division.
            Birds: The bird that has always stood out to me is the southern albatross. The main reason is that the wingspan is 12 to 13 feet long. That is the largest out of any bird. (Unless you count a 12 foot tall prehistoric bird.) They take around one year to learn to fly, which is the longest out of any bird. But taking their time to learn how to fly pays off because they can fly for 12 years and can swim the lowest out of any bird and fly the highest. That is the end of the bird division.
            Fish: The fish division is by far my favorite, because there are now more known fish than bugs,  or because they take up 60 percent of the world or they are the most diverse. Anyway as you may have guessed my favorite animal of my favorite division it is the hammerhead shark. The main reason is the head. I still remember when I was 3 and I watched Finding Nemo and saw the hammerhead shark and the sheer amazment I felt seeing it. It is the only kind of shark to have different appearances and traits based on the environment it was born in. There are 11 different kinds such as the great hammerhead (the biggest), and the scalloped (the most agressive, and the only hammerhead shark that has ever attacked a human, only doing so 3 times). There has been debate over why its head is the shape it is. The two main arguments are its head is used to see all around it and the other is its head is used as wings to keep it from sinking. Well... I hate to end it but that is the end of the fish division.
            Dinosaur: The dinosaur division is the most mysterious of them all. There has been debate whether dinosaurs are reptiles or birds. My favorite dinosaur is the protoceratops. In my opinion it is like a herbivore dinonicus. (Which are the "raptors" from all the Jurassic Park movies which have a lot of things wrong with them.) Like the dinonicus they are fast, vicious and two legged. The "proto" means pre and "before" in latin. The "ceratops" means horned. If you put half and half together you know that some but not all of the protoceratops proceeded to become the more well-known tricearotops. That is the end of the dinosaurs and it all I hope you enjoyed it.

            I know I left out bugs and mollusks but that's because I don't find them too interesting; sorry all bug and mollusks fans. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. I had a lot of fun making it. Bye!


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