Mackenzie: Weekend in Bloom
A Weekend in BLOOM
By: Mackenzie #15
On saturday me, my mom, and my sister and baby brother went to the the ART IN BLOOM exhibit at the Art and Archeology Museum. At first we went upstairs and made bouquets out of some flowers that the exhibit had set up for an activity, because most of this exhibit featured paintings of flowers or of paintings that included flowers. Next we went down to the gallery and looked at the sculptures that had been made almost all out of flowers! It was amazing, and very interesting. On Sunday it was the first day of spring, and it was my sister’s 12th birthday, and in a few hours we were going to St. Louis to celebrate my Great Grandfather’s 80th birthday party. It took a long time, and my brother got very crabby, but it was a nice birthday, and even I got some presents. At the end, when we went home, we bought Andie’s ice cream, for my sister’s birthday treat, and she opened a few presents. Overall it was a great weekend!
Have a happy spring!!!
I wish I had gone to the museum too. Sounds like a great trip!