Katie: Blast From The Past
Remember this little guy who was lurking under our trailer. It was so cute and looked fluffy. I hope it is ok and will not wonder back in the trailer again.
Do you guys remember how scared Mrs Tutt was?it was a little funny. I wish we could keep him as a pet but that would be mean to do because he might have a mom who will miss him. So I am happy we let him go.
December 10/ 2015
How about the RBE choir and there awesome veteran concert. Mrs Lenz she did so good at helping us set up everything we put a lot of work into it i hope you guys liked it. Well if it is ok with you I’m going to tell you something both of my grandpa’s where in the army I know they did not fight but they did serve. One of my grandpas said it was hard to make friends because they would go fight and might not come back.
November 11/2015
Do you guys remember are fall party?How about all the fun we all had. I would like to give a shout out to the boys and the good football game. Thank you to the people's parent’s who made it all sorts of fun. I have to say the food was really good and everyone got to hangout with there friends. It was so much fun to be there and that is something I will never forget.
November 6/2015
Thanks for bringing the past up forgot half of that stuff that we did