Adam: Christmas with Adam
Christmas with Adam
It was 12/24/2017, Christmas Eve. I was so pumped for Christmas. I had to wait 24 more hours. I told my mom “I will be outside in the snow to waste time for Christmas”. It was kind of cold, but it was ok. It was time to go to church. When we got back, we took some pictures then started making pizzas. Once we were we done, we ate a candle lit dinner. After that we opened a Christmas Eve present and as we knew, it was pjs. We all put them on and took some pictures then went to bed. Once we were in bed, I just watched youtube for a while then went to sleep. Once we woke up, I was ready, but I had to wait so I watched youtube until it was time. It was time to go to the living room. I was so happy then we walked out there. There were presents and toys galore. Once we were finished with presents, we played with our toys for a little while. Then we packed up to go to my grandma's and grandpa’s house for more presents. Once we were there, we acted like it was Christmas Eve again. We had to wait one day. After that one day we were pumped. We went down and did stockings then presents. I got a new fly rod and some nets. After a few days, we went home and got to play with our toys for longer. I tried out my new nerf guns and video games. I played with my friends and more. That was pretty much most of my break. Hope you liked my break story.
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