Kayla: Sock Hop Fun!

Last Friday, April 29th was the 2016 Fifth Grade Sock Hop!  Everybody that came looked amazing, including all of the teachers! At the sock hop there were games in the classrooms. One of the games wasLimbo! That game was so cool because I saw some people who got really low and I know that I couldn't do that so I didn't even try. Another game was called Minute To WIn It!   That was a lot of fun. There were two Minute To Win It games in that room.  The first was where you tried to get the Oreo cookie from your forehead into your mouth. The second was where you tried to get the blue cup to the top of the stack cups.

In another room, there was the candy walk and lots of us won prices on that game. Another one of my favorites was Karaoke . It was really funny because most of the boys were almost screaming into the microphone and we could hear them from the gym!

Last but not least, there was a Photo Booth and we all got some funny photos of ourselves together. There was also the food hall, and of course, the sock hop in the gym!

What a great night, we all had a blast! When my mom was there, she took some pictures. Here are some of the pictures she took:


  1. Great job! The sock hop was so fun :-)


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